Finally we have reached at a point in our lives where we had dreamed of a problem free country like poverty, women empowerment and countries economy. Since these issues are solved, lets talk on the most important issue on #AibKnockout
WARNING : Writing is my choice and reading is yours. I am just an ordinary human being.
Skimming through newspapers, news portals and channels that #AIB was against #IndianCulture. The question arises is HOW? By Abusing you are against Indian culture ? #ReligionsUniteForStupidity
To the people Protesting, Just go to youtube (if you know what it is) does any video play automatically without your consent or does your chrome automatically redirects you to the video or does your pc starts automatically and starts the #AIBKnockout.
To the communities protesting against #IndianCulture, first tell us what is the Indian Culture ?! #1- Women getting raped and instead punishing the guy, blame the women rite ? #IndianCulture
#2- Killing the female child before it is born #IndianCulture
#3- Spend lakhs of rupees on Religious Idols while lakhs of people are hungry #IndianCulture
#4- Make kids work, beg and traffic them #IndianCulture rite
People coming on National Television and dividing people on religious grounds. Indian Culture rite ? I have just mentioned 4-5 acts of "Indian Culture" but sadly there are 4000-5000 or more than that.
What kind of #CensorBoard do we have ? Bans the video due to vulgarity. So What about #SunnyLeone #BollywoodMovies ? I guess its in#IndainCulture thats why its allowed to watch #Porn in #StateAssemblies.
Thousands of #scams and still no #FIR registered, One video from #AIB that too edited version was out and the police is acting like #FBI. Forget#MumbaiPolice, #MaharashtraPolice is after these guys. Celebrities were involved #OMG so ? Where is it written celebrities cant abuse ? Aren't they human beings ? People criticised that "celebrities are peoples role model so they shouldn't get involved in bad things." People adopt what they want to,#SalmanKhans movie #KICK had a train stunt in which a bunch of idiots got injured following that stunt. The question arises did Salman force them to do the stunt ? In his previous movie #JaiHo he spread the message to help how many actually followed that ??? So its peoples choice to do things or no, its your choice to watch the video online or not inspite having disclaimers people watch and some didn't watch and criticized it because criticising is #IndianCulture.
Conclusion : #X abused, #Y abused, #Z got offended. "Who is Z" #Z is #CHUTIYA.
I am with #AIB
#LetHumorSurvive #AIBKnockout #AIBRoast #IStandWithAIB #AllIndiaBAKCHOD #TVF #NoCountryForFunnyMen #Roast #Knockout
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